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Summer on the Needles

Summer on the Needles

After finishing two FOs with wintry colors and themes (FO posts coming soon!), I’ve found myself with summery colors on the needles. For example, these socks remind me of corn on the cob: That is Handmaiden Casbah sock yarn (with 10% cashmere!) and I love 

At long last a FO! Corvid Frost Diamonds

At long last a FO! Corvid Frost Diamonds

Sorry to be gone for so long! Let’s just call this the summer of 4 work projects and 4 zillion headaches (both of which are easing up) and move on. What to do when you finish a great lace project during the rainy season? Wait 

April Socks in June

April Socks in June

Here they are, only six weeks late: Pattern:Rib and Cables Socks by Nancy Bush (IK,Fall 2005) Yarn:Seacoast Panda in Truffle (merino wool and bamboo) Mods:Whole leg is shorter than the 9″ called for in the pattern. Crossed the cables every 6th instead of every 8th 

Tempus Fugit and all that

Tempus Fugit and all that

Holy Space-Time Continuum, Batman! Where do all the days and weeks go? I didn’t plan to be gone so long, but I have been busy. Just what have M and I been doing? Well, we celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary with a day in Napa 

Catching up in photos

Catching up in photos

April has been much more busy than I would like, and busy with picky, piddly stuff that drives even saints, which I am not, crazy. But progress and lovelies have been made and acquired despite April’s cruelty. I cast off my purple and black Frost 

One April Sock and a Nice Surprise

One April Sock and a Nice Surprise

I’m already thinking about the socks I need to knit for Christmas gifts. I like to get them done early. Word back from last year’s gifts was that Berroco Sox proved unshrinkable in M’s grandmother’s laundry. I decided to order more, so I went shopping 

The Hunt for Strawberry Red

The Hunt for Strawberry Red

I’ve wanted to knit the Child’s French Sock from Vintage Socks by Nancy Bush for forever. I tried knitting them in Amethyst from Cherry Tree Hill. Wrong color. I nearly cast on in Malabrigo Impressionist Skies (medium blue) and Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sock in Pine 

Socks 2010: March is a done deal

Socks 2010: March is a done deal

Well, M is back safe and sound, but while he was gone last week, I did get quite a bit done. Most importantly my March socks are completed. To review, these are Roger Socks from Knitspot (Rav link) knit in some 100% BFL wool dyed 

What to do when alone and a little bit lonely…

What to do when alone and a little bit lonely…

At 4:20 a.m. this morning, M boarded the airport shuttle and flew to Keystone, Colorado for a conference. I’ll pick him up Friday around 5:00 p.m. This gives me quite a bit more free time than I am used to. Plus, Friday is a university 

Week in Photos

Week in Photos

The past week has had its share of highs and lows. The big low is that I have been somewhat sick with something. It’s a respiratory-digestive crud. Dr. M prescribed a Benton Park Swizzle for what ailed me. It’s much like a mojito except it