What Smart People Don’t Do

Do you know what smart people don’t do? They don’t finish knitting a wool scarf in November and then wait until the first 98 degree day the next June to do a photo shoot.

The other not so smart thing she did years ago was to buy a multi-colored, thick-and-thin, single ply yarn. What the heck is one supposed to knit with that? Well, a Misty Garden Scarf is about the only thing that fits the bill. Fortunately, years (so many the yarn is discontinued) after buying this yarn, Plymouth Yarn Trabajos del Peru, my mom gave me her Austrian boiled wool coat the exact same green as the green in the yarn. It was Kismet.
The color variegation works well in the Misty Garden (essentially feather and fan) lace. And the colors brighten the coat, and keep too much of the loden green from being right next to my face.
This worked out so well, I am ready to put Misty Garden to the test on another variegated yarn I bought long ago:
At least it’s mohair, one of my faves.
Happy knitting!
Hey now, watch what you say about blondes… You look great! And that seems to be the perfect pattern for that yarn. 🙂
Thanks, Chris! I couldn’t resist the dumb blonde reference. But to me, who has been brown-haired most of my life, the way people notice blonde hair (even people who have never seen me before) indicates that their is something special about blonde hair.