FO: Nelosys

FO: Nelosys

First, a heartfelt thank you to everyone who left a comment about Rippy.  My family was very touched; many comments brought tears to their eyes.  My brother was glad to see that so many other people had had cats live so long and that became 

Overdue FO, a prize, and some good reads

Overdue FO, a prize, and some good reads

OK, so I suppose getting around to blogging for the FIRST time about a FO I gave to my mother for Mother’s Day (she received it early too) during the first week of August is a bit tardy.  But here at Molecular Knitting, I am 

Third Contest Winner and Autumn Plans

Third Contest Winner and Autumn Plans

Saturday morning, M pulled the winning name for my First Blogiversary contest from a crystal bowl (a wedding gift). It was all on the up and up, as he was doing computer stuff and never even looked at the bowl or, for that matter, the 

Blogiversary Contest Begins and Two Winners

Blogiversary Contest Begins and Two Winners

First the Two Winners (then the Actual Blogiversary Contest): On Saturday afternoon, Janet of Twisted Knitter submitted the 1000th comment to Molecular Knitting. In her comment she mentioned that the Sockomo Autumn yarn wanted to go live with her. I hadn’t decided which yarn to 

Contest Updates and Prizes!

Contest Updates and Prizes!

The Pre-Blogiversary Contest Contest is officially closed. Thanks to everyone who sent in ideas! I shall announce the winner and her idea (starting the Actual Blogiversary Contest) on Monday, August 27th, my official First Blogiversary. But don’t think you can’t win a prize this weekend! 

WIPs and Contests!

WIPs and Contests!

You’ll have to wade through the WIPs to get to the contest info (or skip to the bottom if you are a heartless blog reader). I didn’t do any knitting on either scarf this past week, so I don’t have couch-o-meter progress this week. Last