Fibery Birthday Presents

Last week Tuesday, November 10, was my 46th birthday. It was a wonderful day thanks to M especially and all my friends and family! It was an odd birthday, in that it is the only one I can remember in which I didn’t receive a single book (parents are retired literature teachers). I made up for this by ordering The Knitter’s Book of Wool by Clara Parkes that evening. 🙂 But I did get some sock yarn for presents. I also got a 50 mm lens for our new camera that I can use at f/1.4 if I need to. I thought Santa Claus was going to bring that lens, but M worked it out with Santa so I wouldn’t have to wait. They’re both great guys in my book. But lets look at the yarn photographed with my new lens.

From my friend ELC, I got two skeins of sock yarn:
Berroco sock yarn from Elsie
Berroco Sox in a purple-pink-grey stripey combo. I am so in the mood for stripey socks!
And to match a spring sweater I own that is bright green, she gave me a skein of Tofutsies, as she knows I like it for warmer weather socks. I am thinking of knitting the Insidious socks by limedragon with this yarn (Rav link).
Tofutsies from Elsie

When my SIL, Teresa, asked what I would like, I suggested a skein of STR lightweight in whichever multicolor wave colorway she chose. That way I’d get a skein of STR lightweight, which I haven’t had (crazy, I know!), but the color would be a surprise. She chose Sea Mar which has some lovely, soft colors.
STR Lightweight in Sea Mar from Teresa

Now I’ve told myself that if I knit for 30 min on some Christmas gift socks for M’s grandmother, I can then cast on the Berroco stripey socks. It will mean that some single socks may wait a little longer for a mate, but the stipes can’t wait!

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