Month: March 2008

Yarn and Monkeys

Yarn and Monkeys

A while ago I envied some Malabrigo yarn on Karen’s blog, Yarn is My Metier (she knows how to do the accent on the second e of metier–my code manual is somewhere, not here…). She told me not to envy the Malabrigo, she had oodles 



I have many things to share, but I think I will blog them in separate posts in a vain attempt to remain comprehensible. So, today we have some fire. The knitting fire wasn’t the fire I had planned at all for Lolly’s Project Spectrum: The 

Grey Tweed Pullover: Episode 1

Grey Tweed Pullover: Episode 1

Wow, things are busy here in the land of Molecular Knitting as usual.  I haven’t had as much time as I would like to work on my grey tweed pullover, but whenever I do find time to knit on it, I am pretty happy. I 

The Luckiest Man Alive Gets a Scarf

The Luckiest Man Alive Gets a Scarf

M has been making use of his new Pinnacle Chevron Scarf for the past couple of weeks, so I figured it needed to be my next blog post. The weather has actually grown too warm for this Ultra Alpaca scarf, as the almonds and daffodils