WIPs: the Agony and the Ecstacy

My WIPs fall into three camps: neglected, causing unnecessary difficulties and great fun. We’ll neglect the neglected ones today. In the causing unnecessary difficulties camp, there is the Glace vest from Rowan. It isn’t hard to knit. However, it shouldn’t be knit while recovering from a migraine. All the “tricky” parts are done now, so it should be smooth sailing.
Glace vest: WIP
The first time I screwed up, I didn’t divide evenly at the start of the V-neck, but I didn’t realize that until I got to the second side of the front and the ribbing at the center didn’t match up with the pattern. So I ripped the whole left front back to the ribbing and started over. Then a week later, I had both fronts done, and in the instructions, you knit from the edge of one to the center, cast on 22 stitches and then knit the other front, connecting them all together (then down the back to the end). This is not hard. However, it is very important to make sure you haven’t twisted the second front in a complete circle before connecting; once they are all connected again, that twist is there to stay. I was only four rows down the back when I realized this, so it wasn’t too bad–although it didn’t help my migraine. But the Glace vest now knows I’m irritated with it. I think it deliberately makes the knitting slower because of this.

Luckily, I have two other WIPs that are very fun to knit. First, since I have always loved dark red foliage, I decided to knit my Gothic Rose DIC Smooshy into a pair of Embossed Leaves Socks. I really am enjoying this and how it looks:
WIP: Embossed Leaves Sock
Second, because now that our AC is fixed, which caused unseasonably cool weather, I am able to knit on my Nubby Cardigan in comfort. So, I am trying to get as much done as possible before the weather turns hot. This is just so much fun to knit! It’s interesting but easy.
Nubby Cardigan: back detail
I wondered why there are two stockinette selvedge stitches at each edge, and then it dawned on me that when mattress stitched together, that would make three knit stitches. Then all the different design panels encircling the sweater will be divided by a K3 rib. Pretty nice designing!

For those of you who ask me in comments about my coral pink mohair cardi and when it will be done, the answer is soonish. Often, I brush my teeth, get into bed, turn off the light and think, “You could have seamed your sweater tonight, you dingy!” I’m trying to remember that a little earlier in the evening.

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