Month: September 2006

Another WIP Wednesday

Another WIP Wednesday

Today’s WIPs are one that is really a pseudo-WIP, some previous and still WIPs, and a new, exciting WIP (at least for me). First up, the pseudo-WIP. I have two balls of aqua La Gran from my stash that I thought might make a nice 

Exploring the Knitting Blogosphere

Exploring the Knitting Blogosphere

I don’t really like the word “blogosphere” but I am going to use it out of sheer perversity. Today I visited Beth’s blog and found out that of all the shades of orange she is a pumpkin. So I clicked on her link, and low 

FO Show and Tell

FO Show and Tell

Here at Molecular Knitting there are 2 new FOs. Well, one is new, and the other was in hiding until given as a gift. My MIL wanted to knit socks; she knits scarves on very big straight needles. She bought two different balls of Lionbrand 

WIP Wednesday

WIP Wednesday

While familiarizing myself with the knitting blogosphere, I found that many knitters make Wednesday work in progress show and tell. So, since I have some WIPs, I’m game.First, the pile of completed pieces of the La Gran cardigan grows: I have the first sleeve done, 

Progress and a Trip to an LYS

Progress and a Trip to an LYS

I haven’t blogged for the past few days, but I have not been idle. Discriminating viewers will notice that I have changed my blog’s template, and I am still in the midst of fiddling with colors. M, alpha geek that he is, gets so excited 

Beads, Wire, Yarn: It’s All Good

Beads, Wire, Yarn: It’s All Good

I put on my dark berry T-shirt and couldn’t find any earrings to wear with it. I found dozens of pairs of earrings, but I’d worn them all before, many times. I was suffering from earring ennui. It was time to retire to the Bead 

Is this right?

Is this right?

Help! Of the six people I know of who read this blog, 2 are master sweater knitters (yes, Mom, I’m including you in the 2!). I am not sure I have done the neck shaping correctly, although I can’t think of another way to interpret 

Shameless, Truly

Shameless, Truly

First and foremost, I must rectify my neglect from yesterday (even though I wasn’t called on it). The cat photos were taken by my brother, Thomas, on his new digital camera. He’s become a really good photographer. I meant to give him photo credits, but 

It’s a box!

It’s a box!

Yes, it’s a box of yarn. A care package soon to be on its way to Wisconsin, where the winters are cold, and kitties need felted kitty beds. Mom, the knitter who taught me to knit, has promised to make some. I sent her the 

It’s September. It’s Autumn. No Shirking Mohair.

It’s September. It’s Autumn. No Shirking Mohair.

Over the past few days, I’ve tried to do some prioritizing (I’m pretending that I can stick to this). Namely, what I need and want to have done by Christmas. I am not the fastest knitter in the West, so now is the time to